Little mouse is back! The only thing he wants is cheese! Use portals, balloons, magnets, books and many other things to help the mouse steel the piece of cheese.
"Emily is getting ready to cook some pancakes. There are three fun steps to make them. You can play it multiple times because you make a different type of pancake each time! Go ahe..
Try to nick cheese from the restaurant kitchen and bring it home! Just don't get caught. Chefs are everywhere and will catch you if you stay in their sight. Bring cheeses back to h..
Oh no! Your first day on the job and the place is full of mice. The boss isn’t going to be too happy if they get to that cheese. Whack them, trap them and set the cat on them. If..
When Jean-Claude the megalomaniac mouse goes on stage, he becomes SUPER MOUSE!
Help Super Mouse to conquer the heart of fans by taking him to the Cheese Moon and pick up a maximum..